Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Survive in College if You Get a Cold (Without Killing Yourself)

So, many of you may be in college, or considering going to college, or know someone who is currently attending a college or university. And you may be wondering "If I get a cold (or something like it) how will I get better without ruining my lovely GPA?"

Never fear, friends! I am a BYU student fond of my own GPA, and I recently had to deal with a cold. I'm pretty sure either my boyfriend or roommate is to blame, but since I am well again, there's no point laying blame. Which  leads me to the first point:

1. Don't try to figure out who got you sick. It wastes time and mental energy, which you will need to conserve in order to emerge from this cold with both your sanity and GPA intact.

2. At the beginning of each semester, familiarize yourself with attendance policy and procedure. This way, you know what you absolutely CANNOT miss and which professors would be sympathetic to your situation.

3. Arrange a note-stealing buddy. A note-stealing buddy shares one or more classes with you and with whom you get along well. Someone you friended on Facebook is ideal. This is a symbiotic relationship and it works like this: one of you gets sick, informs the other one of said sickness, and asks to get a copy of the notes or be allowed to copy the notes. It is important that you use a similar medium (both use a laptop or paper) and it really helps if you have similar note-taking styles. Once you've arranged this, tehn sit back and don't think about school until you feel better ( the exception is reading the assigned passages in the tub with aromatherapy and Enya-type-music).

4. Rest. Don't try to honor previous commitments. E-mail your group that you can't attend this meeting because you're sick--you want to be well for the presentation, right? Beg your significant other to apologize to their friend for you, you are in no shape to attend that planetarium show now! Reschedule, postpone, and relax on the couch or your bed. Nap or sleep if possible; your immune system loves those extra ZZZzz's.

5. Eat right. Keep a water bottle full at all times, stock up on Orange juice, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, and make sure you have plenty of chicken soup. No longer just a home remedy, chicken soup has been scientifically proven to fight the viruses that cause a common cold (whether it engages in a duel to the death with the viruses or just boosts your immune system, I'm not sure; but somehow it does).

6. Get the Meds: Find someone who will run to Wal-mart for Zicam, tissues, Vapo-rub, herbal tea, cough drops, or whatever else you need to get you feeling better and up to getting back to class.

7. Play on Sympathy: I promise this helps, though I can't explain why, but find your designated complaint hearer ans moan about how icky you are. Then let them reassure you that you'll get better.