My name is Lindsey. I am a journalism student at BYU Provo, where I live and love my life! I am originally from the somewhat smaller town of Roy, and I love it there too!! I have been raised LDS {some people call us Mormons} my whole life, and I have a testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love them!
I started this blog because I wanted one--the fact that we were required to get one for principles of Journalism was merely a convenient excuse after my mother said "You don't have TIME for one of those!" I hope, herein, to accurately portray my college experience and life experience, for posterity as well as for your own entertainment.
I am a journalist because I enjoy writing. I am working on several novels right now--if I get a book deal, I shall inform you immediately. But as long as I am writing, I will be happy.
I believe in the enormous potential for love and good in human nature--yes I'm kind of an optimist. I love fancy yet comfy clothes that make me look and feel pretty. I have been a sucker for soft fabrics since I was a baby. I am a bit of a nerd--I like Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes, Star Wars, and many other nerdy things. I also like many other non-nerdy things, but you'll hear about those often enough.
I welcome comments and constructive criticism--I want to hear what you all think!!
I can't wait to keep writing!