I've been moving in for what feels like ages. Jess and I still don't have a couch but until we can find living room furniture we like I am declaring us officially moved in. More on our adorable little flat in our adorable little house later.
Some Mondays it is particularly difficult to be happy. It's hard to get our of bed, problems with the rent processing (ugh), paychecks not coming on time (double ugh)--you know the kind of days I mean. And sometimes you have to break down crying from the stress in front of your best friends in Wal-mart.
Cherie: It's Wal-Mart, Linds.
Me, blubbering: B-b-b-b-but-but we're in PUBLIC!!
Yeah I'm a bit ridiculous. But sometimes you have to break down in Wal-Mart and let out all the stress if you wnat to continue being a positive person as I aspire to be. So, since I'm trying to do more stuff to make me happy, I'm writing this before I do scripture reading and head straight to
First off, I am SO pumped for NaNoWriMo after watching this old Vlogbrothers video and chatting Jess at work about it. She is also excited. Cherie, if you're reading, are you in? I'll probably text you this at work but...are you in?
John Green makes an excellent point and now I'm thinking I need to properly register (you know--for funsies and such). I'm pretty sure it keeps you accountable (which is good) and also sounds very fun. Anyone else? Who's with me??
Secondly, I just got this crazy idea.
Ever since Dana Rose Fleming did her student teaching I don't have a lot of motivation to work out the way I did freshman year because Dana's Aerobics group was SO FUN!! But tonight after answering what Doctor Who fans like me will recognize as the inner cry of Cassandra (moisturize me), I started doing ballet arms to "Zero to Hero" from Hercules. And it is the PERFECT song for that.
Like me, many of you have busy schedules and finding time to work out the way you know you want to is pretty dang difficult. So...how would y'all feel if I tried to work out a quick Disney Songs workout to make physical activity enjoyable and doable? Not to mention doable inside (which is nice if you're like me and your lungs freak out if you make them do their thang in anything below 60 degrees Fahrenheit).
Let me know in comments or by telling me personally!
Three, my Teefury shirt FINALLY came!!
I absolutely love The Labyrinth (and Pika-la-Cynique's gorgeous webcomic based on it and some other stuff) so I had to get this one!!
See? Life gets better when you thin positive, and tomorrow is another day!