Sunday, December 25, 2011

A New Culinary Challenge...

Merry Christmas All!!

So, after a long semester--and I do mean long--I came home for Christmas.

A few hours ago--during the Doctor Who Christmas Special, no less--my parents decided to sort through our food storage in the family room.

Guess what I got?

Two bags of this stuff.

"But Lindsey" I hear you say "you LOVE oatmeal! How is this a problem?" 

This is a problem because one cup of oatmeal makes about four servings, and I have to finish it by February.

However, oatmeal is a VERY nice, warm, filling sort of breakfast, which is quite honestly what I need if I'm to ride out the winter sickness-free, which I fully intend to do, thank you very much. It's healthy, whole-grain, and full of fiber, which will help with my one of my New Year's Resolutions {More on those next week}.

So it looks like I'm going to be posting twice a day sometimes, folks. The January 2012 oatmeal challenge will begin on the third of January {because that's when I get back to Provo}.

Much like the Mac & Cheese Challenge, it will consist of me trying to come up with different ways of serving Oatmeal. So far...I have three.

January is going to be fun!!

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