Sunday, December 25, 2011

Salsa-Gouda Mac

Round Two!!

Also as part of the great 2011 food-storage dump, my mother gave me three jars of salsa. I learned two things from this:

1. I now understand why cheese goes so well and so often with Salsa
2. Never underestimate my ability to power through salsa. It is seriously one of my favorite snacks.

But this was one of my first ideas when I took this challenge on, and I happened to have some Gouda lying around, so I did this!!

You will need what you see here:

{Plus, of course, what it said you needed on the Blue Box}

Cook the mac & cheese as directed on the package. Now add in pieces of the Gouda, salt & pepper, 1/2c to 1 C of the Salsa, a teaspoon of the cream cheese {I used Garden vegetable} the chili powder, the cayenne pepper {go easy}, the sriracha {for gosh sakes go easy!}, the onion, and stir.

{Rather like this}

Once the cheese melts you know it's done and ready to serve. 

Bon Appetit!!

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