Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Fascinations - Lazing on this Rainy Afternoon

I am starting this right up again because I do rather miss it. Plus it will force me to blog regularly and keep going. 

So here we go:

Fascinating Food: Chobani pineapple Greek yogurt

{Not My Image, but it's pretty}

Anyone who has known me will be bale to tell you that I do not eat pineapple. My first incursion upon this rule was to eat a pineapple upside-down cake I cooked as part of class. My second is this particular yogurt. I've liked Greek yogurt ever since I tried it, and there is no better quick breakfast without that heavy feeling. And the pineapple stuff is so sunny-sweet!!

Fascinating Book: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett AND The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The one was gripping and amusing, the other was gripping and broke my heart but I enjoyed it so much and would recommend it to you all! I would recommend them both to you all in a heartbeat. 

Good Omens makes the apocalypse very funny, and The Fault in Our Stars portrays life, death, and love very realistically. 

Fascinating Song: This violin cover of Ke$ha's "Your Love is My Drug"

Yes, I did only find it because it is set to clips of Sherlock. But I am very glad I did. 

So, what do you find fascinating? Tell me in comments to spread the fascinating things around!

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