Here are the things that are making me happy as I work through this not-so-pleasant Monday:
Happy Music
"Be My Baby" by the Wondergirls
Yes, yes it is K-pop. No I am not ashamed, because this song is delightful. Thanks to Benjamin at work for this recommendation!
"She-Wolf" by David Guetta ft. Sia
I literally woke up this morning with the song stuck in my head. I can't remember a song being the first thing I thought of when I woke up in the morning ever. If it sounds a lot like "Titanium" that's because it is by the same exact artist, same lovely vocalist who partnered with David Guetta before.
Jess asked if I had heard their "She Wolf" and I asked "Um, is it like the Shakira version?"
No, no it is not. While I still like the Shakira version, this is so much better.
Hello, much better
Oh wait, that would be the next song:
"So Much Better" from Legally Blonde: The Musical
In which Laura Bell Bundy (the original Amber Von Tussle in Hairspray) kills it as Elle Woods. Anyone who sees me regularly already knows I've kind of been obsessed with this song since I used it as an audition piece awhile back.
In the musical, Elle sings this song as she watches Warner, who she got into Harvard to win back, propose to snarky Vivienne Kensington right in front of her. She feels like she'll never be happy again--and then sees her name on Professor "C-minus" Callahan's coveted intern list. And I have to say, there are few things for emotional pain relief like really succeeding at a job you didn't know for sure you could do!
"Skeleton Song" by Kate Nash
I'd sort of vaguely heard of Kate Nash before I found this song on a Sherlock crack!video. It's fun and delightful, and actually inspired a new character set for my supernatural book.
And, finally, in which I agree with Hank Green wholeheartedly:
"Oh, J.K. Rowling" by Hank Green
I know that the Potter books are done and she's moving on...but some of us have an addiction and need more!
I started following the Vlogbrothers and became a Nerdfighter this fall (DFTBA) and I have to say it's one of the best decisions I have ever made!
John Green is an award-winning novelist and father of two (currently on paternity leave because Alice Green is VERY new), and Hank is his brother who writes and sings delightful songs and they do awesome things together.
Hank made this song for his video recently and I agree with everything he says here:
Funny Things
Benedict Cumberbatch's hand doing the Harlem Shake
He made this video when he got bored on a plane. Gosh I love that man...
Dog and Cat shame pictures on Pinterest
I am so doing this to my pets. It is hilarious and adorable--basically, well, the pictures explain it all!
Any of you who follow me on Pinterest will have seen the long one I pinned. If you haven't, then go to my pins on Pinterest and find it. It's hilarious--it sent me into a laughing fit!
Speaking of things I'm pinning that make me happy:
Benedict Cumberbatch
You may have noticed if you follow me on Pinterest that I pin a lot of this gloriously talented and sexy man with his sexy voice and mmmm....cheekbones. Well, Sorry, I'm not sorry.
{Okay, I do not know what it is about his hair in Star Trek with the bangs like that but I am LOVING IT!!}
Remember, I love comments--so what's making you happy today??
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