Monday, October 21, 2013

Makes-Me-Happy Mondays....Ughhhhhh

Hey y'all, why yes it has been awhile.

I've been moving in for what feels like ages. Jess and I still don't have a couch but until we can find living room furniture we like I am declaring us officially moved in. More on our adorable little flat in our adorable little house later.

Some Mondays it is particularly difficult to be happy. It's hard to get our of bed, problems with the rent processing (ugh), paychecks not coming on time (double ugh)--you know the kind of days I mean. And sometimes you have to break down crying from the stress in front of your best friends in Wal-mart.

Cherie: It's Wal-Mart, Linds.

Me, blubbering: B-b-b-b-but-but we're in PUBLIC!!

Yeah I'm a bit ridiculous. But sometimes you have to break down in Wal-Mart and let out all the stress if you wnat to continue being a positive person as I aspire to be. So, since I'm trying to do more stuff to make me happy, I'm writing this before I do scripture reading and head straight to tumblr bed.

First off, I am SO pumped for NaNoWriMo after watching this old Vlogbrothers video and chatting Jess at work about it. She is also excited. Cherie, if you're reading, are you in? I'll probably text you this at work but...are you in?

John Green makes an excellent point and now I'm thinking I need to properly register (you know--for funsies and such). I'm pretty sure it keeps you accountable (which is good) and also sounds very fun. Anyone else? Who's with me??

Secondly, I just got this crazy idea.

Ever since Dana Rose Fleming did her student teaching I don't have a lot of motivation to work out the way I did freshman year because Dana's Aerobics group was SO FUN!! But tonight after answering what Doctor Who fans like me will recognize as the inner cry of Cassandra (moisturize me), I started doing ballet arms to "Zero to Hero" from Hercules. And it is the PERFECT song for that.

Like me, many of you have busy schedules and finding time to work out the way you know you want to is pretty dang difficult. would y'all feel if I tried to work out a quick Disney Songs workout to make physical activity enjoyable and doable? Not to mention doable inside (which is nice if you're like me and your lungs freak out if you make them do their thang in anything below 60 degrees Fahrenheit).

Let me know in comments or by telling me personally!

Three, my Teefury shirt FINALLY came!!

I absolutely love The Labyrinth (and Pika-la-Cynique's gorgeous webcomic based on it and some other stuff) so I had to get this one!!

See? Life gets better when you thin positive, and tomorrow is another day!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Much-Belated Friday Fascinations...but on Saturday....

This could take awhile...

So some of you know why this has taken awhile, I haven't been the happiest campier in the world lately. There was a major debacle with the apartment and a bunch of our stuff got stolen. It's okay now; it's all taken care of and hopefully we can move in soon--for real this time.

But it hasn't been all doom-and-gloom; personally I think nothing is ever. Well almost nothing. But then I'm just a cock-eyed optimist.

I used to think being a cock-eyed optimist was awful, mostly because someone I used to be close to found it the most obnoxious thing--ever.  But this whole awful thing taught me that maybe I'm not useless because of my optimism. I've got good people around me who've been good for me that way.

Here are the other things that brighten my day:

Darren Criss' cover of Ducktales

Maybe you know him from Glee, maybe you know him from A Very Potter Musical. Either way, you should know about this dude and his talentedness. And this is the theme song from one of my favorite childhood TV shows. 


Yes, as in the movie and the nerdy Canadian TV show based on it. I love it and I always will. Jess got me into this show; one day I came home from work just as everyone was putting the DVD in--and I thought "eh, I'm tired, may as well lounge here in front of the TV."

Yes. Yes I am addicted. Yes that is MacGyver, yes that is Naomi from this past season of Supernatural. Yes, the historian/linguist is an adorable nerdy puppy dog. And yes, if you're guessing that the other guy is like a threatening black alien version of Castiel, you are so right.

It's like Doctor Who in that you can't really explain it without sounding mad. Just watch the movie and give the series a try.

Josh Groban sings Kanye West's Tweets

Seriously just watch it. It makes any day better, just allow yourself to laugh--because classical music is tight, yo. 

Save Rock & Roll--Fall Out Boy

I honestly love the whole album. I know that a lot of people don't really respect Fall Out Boy; you probably just remember the "scene" or "mainstream" band from junior high and high school (I'm dating myself there but oh well). Listen to this album the whole way through, you will almost certainly change your mind. There's a lovely war-to-peace transition about the album--even look at the cover; a young man who looks like he could get violent easily holding hands with a trainee monk. Just...just go listen to it. 

The Georgian Language

A friend taught me this at work for part of a training. It loos like Elvish on paper and is really fun to speak. I wouldn't mind learning it--it's REALLY interesting!

J. Crew Bermuda shorts

I've been wearing these all summer and they are gloriously comfortable! I have them in two colors and they go with a lot!

Sugarhouse by Matt Batt

I got it at the local library book sale. It's a distraction from reading The Hobbit but it's nice to know, when your stuff has disappeared, that at least you are not trying to fix up and inhabit the neighborhood Crack House. And hey, he's a fairly well-known writer. So, I told myself, we were eventually going to be okay. It's a heartwarming read, exceptionally well-written. I give it a higher recommendation than I've given any memoir ever.

Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot

I've always loved this series. Heck, I love anything Agatha Christie, and nobody does Poirot like David Suchet. But I hadn't watched the show in awhile. 

Then this whole thing happened:

(Yeah, I'm pretty happy about this too)

Yeah. I was REALLY excited about it. So naturally I went to IMDB to see what else he'd been in besides "The Fires of Pompeii" in season four and the first part of Torchwood: Miracle Day. And while everyone else was freaking out over his crediting as "W.H.O. Doctor" in World War Z (I'm sorry, I do not care about zombie movies) I was all "Wait, what, he was in an episode of Agatha Christie???"

And now I watch at least an episode a night. 

Hopefully I'll be moved in soon and things will get back to normal. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Makes Me Happy Mondays -- Still Alive But I'm Barely Breathing

Asthma attacks are not pleasant or fun, or easy. But, as I tell Jess' sister Savannah every time she makes me laugh and hack, I would rather laugh and hack than not laugh at all.

Here are the things that are making me happy as I work through this not-so-pleasant Monday:

Happy Music

"Be My Baby" by the Wondergirls

Yes, yes it is K-pop. No I am not ashamed, because this song is delightful. Thanks to Benjamin at work for this recommendation!

"She-Wolf" by David Guetta ft. Sia

I literally woke up this morning with the song stuck in my head. I can't remember a song being the first thing I thought of when I woke up in the morning ever. If it sounds a lot like "Titanium" that's because it is by the same exact artist, same lovely vocalist who partnered with David Guetta before. 

Jess asked if I had heard their "She Wolf" and I asked "Um, is it like the Shakira version?"

No, no it is not. While I still like the Shakira version, this is so much better.

Hello, much better

Oh wait, that would be the next song:

"So Much Better" from Legally Blonde: The Musical

In which Laura Bell Bundy (the original Amber Von Tussle in Hairspray) kills it as Elle Woods. Anyone who sees me regularly already knows I've kind of been obsessed with this song since I used it as an audition piece awhile back. 

In the musical, Elle sings this song as she watches Warner, who she got into Harvard to win back, propose to snarky Vivienne Kensington right in front of her. She feels like she'll never be happy again--and then sees her name on Professor "C-minus" Callahan's coveted intern list. And I have to say, there are few things for emotional pain relief like really succeeding at a job you didn't know for sure you could do!

"Skeleton Song" by Kate Nash

I'd sort of vaguely heard of Kate Nash before I found this song on a Sherlock crack!video. It's fun and delightful, and actually inspired a new character set for my supernatural book. 

And, finally, in which I agree with Hank Green wholeheartedly:

"Oh, J.K. Rowling" by Hank Green

I know that the Potter books are done and she's moving on...but some of us have an addiction and need more! 

I started following the Vlogbrothers and became a Nerdfighter this fall (DFTBA) and I have to say it's one of the best decisions I have ever made!

John Green is an award-winning novelist and father of two (currently on paternity leave because Alice Green is VERY new), and Hank is his brother who writes and sings delightful songs and they do awesome things together. 

Hank made this song for his video recently and I agree with everything he says here: 

Funny Things

Benedict Cumberbatch's hand doing the Harlem Shake

He made this video when he got bored on a plane. Gosh I love that man...

Dog and Cat shame pictures on Pinterest

I am so doing this to my pets. It is hilarious and adorable--basically, well, the pictures explain it all!

Any of you who follow me on Pinterest will have seen the long one I pinned. If you haven't, then go to my pins on Pinterest and find it. It's hilarious--it sent me into a laughing fit!

Speaking of things I'm pinning that make me happy:

Benedict Cumberbatch

You may have noticed if you follow me on Pinterest that I pin a lot of this gloriously talented and sexy man with his sexy voice and mmmm....cheekbones. Well, Sorry, I'm not sorry. 







{Okay, I do not know what it is about his hair in Star Trek with the bangs like that but I am LOVING IT!!}

Remember, I love comments--so what's making you happy today??

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Defending Disney Princesses III--Cinderella, the working girl!

Well, it turns out I got a little out of order on this--before Sleeping Beauty there was Cinderella! Here I am back again on this soapbox to defend this hardworking girl and her story to you, modern women.

Cinderella is born to people of some circumstance, as we see from her grand house and the title her stepmother is addressed by at the ball "Lady Tremaine." Whether the Wicked Stepmother held the title Lady Tremaine before or after her marriage to Cinderella's father is inconsequential. In order for her to be announced as "Lady Tremaine" with no first name, she was at least the wife of a baronet, if not a viscountess. As it would be highly out of character for  Lady Tremaine to remarry much below her station, if at all, we may assume Cinderella's father was a noble of some kind. (Granted, Disney has not always been 100 % on their historical accuracy, but the idea is still there)

We see a picture of the deathbed of Cinderella's father, and she looks to be no more than twelve years old at the time. This was before she would have come out in society officially, and it's doubtful she would have had a coming out party, or debut, paid for by Lady Tremaine after the death of her father. This would explain why nobody knows who Cinderella is at the ball.

Okay, you caught Lindsey-the-history-geek. This is not why I started these things, but there you go, I'm going to interpret it through any lens I dang well please, because it's my blog and I'm allowed.

So she's forced to work as a servant and does the best she can to please her stepmother and stepsisters, who treat her like dirt. But, of course, she dreams of a better life, one where she is loved.

This is where I run into a problem with people complaining about Disney Princesses only looking for love/romance/marriage. Yeah, she hoped to find someone who would love her unconditionally. She has endured, at minimum, six years of neglect and abuse at the hands of those who ought to have been her family, and likely as not she was thrust into dealing with this without any time to deal with grieving for her father. I still have my Dad around, thank Heaven, but I just lost my grandfather, his Dad, and that is taking a heavy enough emotional toll! I can scarcely imagine what it would be like to lose my father now, when I am successfully graduating college with a good, supportive set of friends who refuse to allow me to hold it in. GOSH I'm lucky!

But Cinderella wasn't because she had none of this. Her Dad is freshly buried and the only family she has begin to abuse and neglect her, cast her into the place of do-all-be-all servant (most likely so they don't have to pay any servants), and they are the only people she sees for the next 6+ years.

{Okay, this is too funny and I need to lighten the mood a bit}

Yeah, I'd yearn for love and jump at the chance to go to a royal ball myself after a trauma like that. And nobody would say I was vapid for it.

Then her only friends--because let's not forget, no coming out party=no chance to get in with the human social circle, so her only friends are mice and birds--risk life and limb to make her a stunning custom dress with their own dainty fingers.

And then, just when she thinks she has met the demands of her family and will be allowed to go out for the first time in years, her handmade custom gown is torn to shreds by her only human peers, whose abuse she has taken 24/7 in her formative years. And she is denied her only chance at a good, socially enriching event just when she could taste it.

Yeah, I'd cry too.

Some people have a problem with the Fairy Godmother. While I admit that she is not the most realistic character of the piece, at some time we will need help in our lives. And, at times like that, there are people in our lives who are in a perfect position to help us, and happy to do so. Everyone wants to help Cinderella because she is unfailingly kind despite her hardships.

The positive message I see here for young women? Don't close yourself off or refuse to help anyone ever because people took advantage of you. Cinderella, despite her circumstances, is kind to the mice and birds, accepts help from her fairy godmother, and has a heart open to love when she meets the Prince.

Can I just say I love their meeting? She's not really expecting to run into anyone who wants to pay her attention here, let alone the prince--she's probably just taking in the beauty of the palace, happy to be having her own personal night of fun. And then he greets her like an elegant lady who has, like her peers, been introduced into society (reminder, she hasn't). And she handles it politely, graciously--in short, like a pro.

A quick note on love at first sight in the context of Cinderella: for all we know, they were talking during the whole "So This is Love" montage--that's called movie magic and storytelling convention.

Most tellings of the tale agree with this old Disney storybook--they were dancing together all night. You don't spend all night at a party together without talking. That's just common sense!

And think about it--every other girl there is most likely at the ball to impress the Prince and gain a title, and he probably knows that. Cinderella is neither there to impress him nor to snare him--she's just there for a good time and is smiling from ear to ear just to be having a night of fun out of the house--how endearing must that be?

Two kind, selfless people like that? Of course they fell in love.

And then, when the clock strikes midnight? She has to go, but she's not bitter or upset--although, it is pretty tragic to meet a guy, know you'll probably never see him again, and leave with no hope of getting his, well, calling card in that day, number in ours.

I have been in this sort of situation before, and it sucks. Freaking bad cell reception near the Draper Temple made an AWESOME guy lose my number because his phone didn't save it (Tim, if you're somehow reading this, it's me, Lindsey--um, hi. You look good in a grey suit, really good, and we should go out sometime).

But she's not bitter, and when he comes to her house she manages to bust out of her room. And then asks the Duke (so, likely her future uncle-in-law) politely but urgently if she, to all appearances the scullery maid, can try on the glass slipper.

That's right. She. Makes. The Move. She runs down the stairs and asks to try on the shoe, and is prepared with the other one to prove herself. Cinderella has lived with her step-family's crap for so long that she anticipates it. She's a go-getter who is not about to let a chance at love and happiness slip away.

Cinderella is about keeping your chin up and being ready to go after good things when they come your way, if you look at it. If she had sat passively back, Cinderella would never have got her happily-ever-after. But we're all so very glad she did.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Makes Me Happy Mondays

Yeah, this is kind of like Friday Fascinations but I'm doing a Monday one as well now because my last two Mondays have been awful so I'm posting about things that are making me happy so I am forced to think about that.

So here's what's making me happy this Monday:

Lexieken's Sherlolly Fanart:

Lexieken is a deviantart user who is also a Sherlolly shipper. For those of you outside tumblr, this means she wants Sherlock and Molly from the BBC Sherlock to be together. Molly Hooper is a character totally outside the canon, a creation of Moffatt and Gatiss, and EVERYBODY loves Molly whether you ship her with Sherlock or not. And I didn't, but Lexie's art makes me ship it.

Not only that but I will stare at it for hours on end and keep a tab of her deviantart gallery open at work when I need a smile (you need smiles whilst working on a client that provides fast divorce services) and give myself work breaks consisting entirely of looking at her glorious Sherlolly.

Those of you who love Sherlock fanart or are familiar with alicexzhang's art at all may remember this little beauty:

Alice and Lexie are friends, Alice is of course phenomenal with her colors, but the original drawing (pictured here on the right), as Alice acknowledges, belongs to the phenomenal Lexieken

I should be linking to her page (and I will eventually, I promise!) but the wifi I am writing this on does not allow deviantart so I cannot, at least for now.

{UPDATE: Hello, Mom & Dad's WiFi--Okay you all need to follow lexieken like right now!!}

{"Falling" by lexieken}

This isn't her only drawing of these two kissing in the rain, as I said, and it certainly isn't the only one of them kissing. She also does a lot of Shelock, Molly, and the rest of the gang as Disney characters--think Roger and Anita Radcliffe. You've probably seen her Disney!lock character sketches; if you follow me on Pinterest you absolutely have. 

Lexie herself especially noted their resemblance to the famous pet parents in this one, which I love.

Come on, it's Molly in a catsuit dressing Sherlock as a bee, for a costume party--what's not to love?

Lexieken's Sherlolly fanart makes me happy because her portrayal of Molly (did I mention that there are little mini-fics accompanying the drawings on her deviantart and tumblr?) is of a Molly who is, at last, loved and confident, and of a Sherlock who is working, loving, loved, and whole.  The way she draws them together just makes me happy all over. 


I've noticed later that I'm happier when I write--so I'm making an effort to journal more, write poetry, make my thoughts into witty personal essays, and try--really try--to progress and finish my novels. 

There are a lot of great, random writing prompts out there that will make you write and imagine things about your characters that have nothing to do with your stories but will help you come to know your characters even more. 

My favorites force you to assign characters numbers and put certain ones in certain situations. 

I've also got a new journal to encourage me to write more. If you go to Barnes & Noble, it's the turquoise (of course) leather journal with the Dorothy Parker quote.

Oh look:

Guns aren't lawful, nooses give/gas smells awful; you might as well live

Yes, it's about suicide. Dorothy's mother died when she was young and her early life was riddled with personal tragedy like a Mobster's car with bullet holes. It isn't too surprising that she tried at least twice. But there is, in this darkly funny little epigram, a glimmer of hope. Parker's commentary on methods of suicide reminds us that what we have here is worth enough to not sit through the horrid, tedious methods necessary to end one's own life.

Blackberry Coke: 

It is delicious. Seriously, put some blackberry syrup in your coke the next time you get the chance, you won't be sorry. Jess and I went to get one today after a capital-M-Monday.

TED Talks:

I won't pretend to know which one is best for you, but these are on YouTube and they offer scholarly thought, not necessarily overblown things but they always make you think. My all-time favorite is Jamie Oliver's talk about the need for better food and food education for kids. But my new current Monday favorite is a discussion of celebrity gossip as social commentary and anthropology.

My Own Friends:

At the end of the day, it was fun with Jess and the good people I work with who made my Monday better. I love you all.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Fascinations - Lazing on this Rainy Afternoon

I am starting this right up again because I do rather miss it. Plus it will force me to blog regularly and keep going. 

So here we go:

Fascinating Food: Chobani pineapple Greek yogurt

{Not My Image, but it's pretty}

Anyone who has known me will be bale to tell you that I do not eat pineapple. My first incursion upon this rule was to eat a pineapple upside-down cake I cooked as part of class. My second is this particular yogurt. I've liked Greek yogurt ever since I tried it, and there is no better quick breakfast without that heavy feeling. And the pineapple stuff is so sunny-sweet!!

Fascinating Book: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett AND The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The one was gripping and amusing, the other was gripping and broke my heart but I enjoyed it so much and would recommend it to you all! I would recommend them both to you all in a heartbeat. 

Good Omens makes the apocalypse very funny, and The Fault in Our Stars portrays life, death, and love very realistically. 

Fascinating Song: This violin cover of Ke$ha's "Your Love is My Drug"

Yes, I did only find it because it is set to clips of Sherlock. But I am very glad I did. 

So, what do you find fascinating? Tell me in comments to spread the fascinating things around!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thoughts on Turning Tassels

Hi. It's been awhile. 

I just now realized why I haven't blogged since the first of the year, other than the fact that I now come home from work tired every day. 

Tomorrow I actually go through the first part of that ritualistic act of graduation. Technically, I had already done this, but tomorrow I go through the rituals our society has long said signify this part of my life. Tomorrow I go through that actual, ceremonial thing that shows the world that I have given what amounts to around 4 years of my life to becoming educated.

Tomorrow I start a two-part dance in a robe that screams "I am educated!"

I can't sleep. This isn't good, because I have to get up early to curl my hair and return some library books (which I should also finish reading). 

I've no idea why the idea of going through this ritual frightens me. I've passed milestones and been unsure of my exact future before (hello, last summer in Sanpete County much?). But underneath the professional blogger at work I have been holding in a storm of nerves and panic for something close to two weeks. 

Now that I have been for free pie with Jess and taken a hot bath and seen the newest episode of Castle, I feel more equipped to dissect, unpack, and deal with my feelings. 

I am scared of graduating because I am graduating early, and did not have time to do all I expected to by the time came for these ceremonies. I never hiked the Y (maybe someday when I am fit), I never pulled an all-nighter (not even sorry), and other things I had hoped to do before this age-old ritual where I simply shift a tassel to symbolize years of work. 

But, there are two things I keep reminding myself of. 

The first was advice given me by a dear friend when I was initially freaking out about actually completing my educating. He wisely pointed out that I do not have to stop learning just my formal education is (temporarily at least) complete. He also reminded me that now I can set my own curriculum.

I'm reminded of this every day, like when a little German comes back to me as I sprech the Deutsch with Jess and her family, or when I excuse my wibbly-wobbly self-control at Barnes & Noble. The fact that I can decide what to learn on a daily basis is surprisingly comforting. 

So thanks for that. You know who you are, bless you for saying that!

The second is when I remind myself of all the things I have accomplished: 

  • I got through a bachelor's degree in 2.5 years of college
  • I up and moved to a foreign county (yes, just county) and successfully held a real internship covering real (somewhat dangerous) news stories and writing interesting feature stories
  • I am starting to learn photoshop
  • I discovered just how much of a nerd I truly am, and how okay and fantastic that is
  • I learned, as Sethe did in Toni Morrison's Beloved, that in the end I have to remember that I need to be my best thing
  • I learned a lot about forgiveness and standing up for myself
  • I got a real, "adult" paying job I can use to support myself
  • I broadened my own mindset and horizons
  • I learned how to listen--effectively, how to learn
  • I learned that I am a capable, independent young woman 
  • I learned that even a capable, independent woman can call her parents in the middle of being scared or upset, be reassured by them, and retain her capability
  • I learned a lot about who I am as a person, and that I am many things, including strong and fallible
  • I learned that bullet-point lists can only contain so much of what you learn in 2.5 years. My journal will be getting more of this later, and so will y'all. And when I say later, I mean when I've moved out of Provo and got settled in my interim moving space.
In the meantime, let me leave you with this illustration I got from a Cabin Pressure Head Canons blog on tumblr. I took their words and put it on Martin Crieff to remind myself what really matters. 

Time to turn in. My parents are coming tomorrow, I need my beauty sleep.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to Opera Week!!

Happy New Year, all!!

Do you like the new name and new look? I certainly do, and heaven knows it took me long enough to pick it all out!

I'll talk more about my New Year's resolutions later, but for now I'd like to talk about Opera. Because from now until the 8, Tuesday to Tuesday, is Opera week for me. I have to do it now because January 8, 1910, is when the last installment of what would become The Phantom of the Opera was published.

The Phantom of the Opera has been a story dear to my heart since I was five years old and I saw the Wishbone episode, resulting in one of my Christmas presents that year being a plush of Wishbone as Raoul de Chagny. The fascination has, since then, only grown. Wishbone of course introduced me to many stories, but a BIG one was always The Phantom of the Opera, which in turn got me into Opera. I love Opera, I love the Opera, and so this week is going to be about me getting more of those things I love into my life.

What is Opera week? Each day this week, I'm going to pick a classic opera that I can find on YouTube (who doesn't have tickets to Utah festival Opera as much as she desperately wants them? Me, so this is what we've got), watch it, enjoy the music, and talk about what I liked about it.

I'm also going to talk about Opera in general, for instance, why does a modern girl like me like Opera so much?

Well, other than the reasons listed above, I genuinely enjoy the music. I envy classical singers, one of my fondest (and least realistic, I admit) dreams is to be able to sing like that. For now, I just sing along in the shower, but even so it's nice to be surrounded by such glorious singing.

Also, Opera, I think, represents some of the best that is offered by human creativity. It is collaboration, it is telling an entire story--dialogue, songs, jokes--and telling it well but having the whole thing set to music and song. The closest thing we have to Modern Opera that most people know of is the famous musical adaptation of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables--another favorite of mine, and not a single person was surprised.

And, finally, someday I would like to write an Opera. Can I read or write music? No. But I can do the words, I have the plot figured out, and I can hear/feel a bit of the music for one part. Theophile Gaultier's story of Clarimonde, a courtesan/vampire who loves a priest, has caught my attention since David Tenant's adaptation for BBC radio. I would like to adapt it as an Opera and tell Clarimonde's side of the story. And I won't be able to get it all down unless I know Opera too well and secure a collaborator.

Today's Opera is Mozart's Don Giovanni, the beautifully adapted legend of a man-slut who has toyed with too many hearts too selfishly and is dragged down to hell by the soul of The Commendatore, who he murdered after trying to rape the man's daughter.

Any of you who have seen Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows have seen the scene where the Commendatore comes for Don Giovanni by possessing his own grave's effigy (the one where they go to the Opera at the Palais Garnier in Paris by mistake, and Sebastian Moran shoots a man as the building across the street explodes). All other critical theories aside, the most obvious reason for Ritchie's choice to have the Palais Garnier stage that Opera at that moment is the fact that it is Conan-Doyle written canon that Don Giovanni is John Watson's favorite opera.

The music is absolutely beautiful--I'm not saying I would have given in to certain guys with less-than-honorable intentions if they'd sung a perfect La Ci Darem La Mano, but I wouldn't have minded them trying. It is a beautiful duet between Don Giovanni and the innocent peasant Zerlina.

{I didn't know Cheryl Crow could sing like this. But here she is singing the duet with Pavarotti}

Also notable is Don Ottavio's Dalla Sua Pace. The Fiance of Donna Ana, daughter of the Commendatore, Ottavio sings of how he wants to resolve the matter of who murdered his darling fiancee's father, and put her mind at ease because of how dearly he loves her. 

{I'm partial to Pavarotti, could you tell? But it's such a beautiful aria}

And now to highlight two characters from the piece you can't help but sympathize with, Leporello and Donna Elvira.

Leporello is Don Giovanni's manservant, and Don Giovanni is the ultimate horrible boss. He threatens Leporello, pawns off angry ex-lovers on him, forces him to switch places, gives the man's welfare no thought, freaks him out in a churchyard, and forces Leporello to keep and carry the catalog of his "conquests". 

Through it all, Leporello has a remarkable wit, and through his wit is the bright, comedic spot of the emotionally fraught piece. You have to laugh with him, and at him, and pity him for his crappy job. And be happy that you will never have a boss worse than Don Giovanni.

Donna Elvira is one of the names in Don Giovanni's "Catalog" and she starts off the opera with a broken heart and the traditional attitude/mindset/goal of a woman scorned. However, as the story progresses, she remembers the love she once bore him, and tries to turn his heart to good and his mind to a more godly path, and to persuade him to honor his promise to marry her. If ever you have despised and loved a man, if you have ever loved a man after he vilely, cruelly broke your heart, you will sympathize with Donna Elvira.

That's the start of Opera Week!!