When I thought about my roomies and apartment life before I moved in, I pictured happy scenes of domesticity; us cooking dinners together, working on homework together on the couch, and bonding very quickly.
What I did not expect was the towel fight.
We were collaboratively doing the dishes when Michelle decided to demonstrate her towel-whipping abilities, which are pretty impressive. She demonstrated first on the air, but eventually strayed to demonstrating on Jess' leg. Jess took it at first, but pretty soon I was running to fetch her a towel and she and Michelle were whipping away at each other. We were all laughing, but especially me--I couldn't breathe and I felt like I'd done a fair amount of ab crunches when it was all over and we went back to washing dishes almost as though we had not just completely broken the whole "act your age" thing into a million little pieces with smiles on our faces.
Yeah, we've done a lot of things I expected, and the fulfillment of my imaginings has been nice. But it has been the things that I never expected that have been the most fun and memorable.
Like during Late Summer Honors. Oh, I could write a book about that. One night, we had an activity scheduled called The Amazing Race. You were supposed to run all over campus, but Ali (from Cali), Amber and I did not even feel like it. After some research, we found that Vampires Suck was playing at the mall. We got there, saw it--funny movie, inappropriate in parts but it satirizes Twilight well--and came home. It seeemed that the instant I pulled into my parking spot, Nick called Ali and asked about partaking of the donuts he knew her Mom had delivered that afternoon as part of a care package. "Bring us your donuts!" He wanted us to bring the donuts to him, an dhe was the one begging for them? Not cool, to any guys reading this--if a girl is even thinking of sharing her Krispy Kremes or other refreshment with you, make the effort! Then came the "Do you have a car?" No way was I starting the car up again and driving all the way out to Helaman Halls from Heritage! Unfortunately, she had put him on speaker phone so we could all hear him and stifle our giggles in an exercise of togetherness--special moment! So we ended up walking all the way from Heritage to Helaman--not much better, but I refused to waste more gasoline. As we sat in the lobby of their hall talking and letting them eat Ali's donuts, my friend Alex and his friend Nathan came up and said hello, and that they were going out on an In N' Out run.
Now, on discussing things that were going on in calls home, there was a reason I addressed my dear kindred spirit as Ali from Cali--she actually is from California, and has all the most agreeable aspects of a consummate California Girl. As such, she has an abiding love of In N Out Burger, and insisted on going with. Soon, Nate, Alex, Amber, Nick, Dean, Amber, Ali and I were all going to In N Out--in Alex's Mini Cooper. We fit seven people in and drove down the Parkway. We got weird looks, cheers, and Animal Fries.
According to Ali, there is a method to eating this combination of In N Out fries, a slice of melted cheese, grilled onions, and their signature spread correctly. You must get an extra packet of spread and put it all on, then get a fork and stir things around. Apparently doing it thusly and then using the fork to eat this glorious concoction is crucial.
We all got the matching hats, and drove back to school. It was one of the best nights ever.
So, let us, dear friends, embrace those wonderful, memorable, unexpected experiences that we will always smile over.
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