Saturday, September 4, 2010

Here We Go...

The Journalist as a young coed may seem idealistic to those she meets, perhaps overly so in a world where dishonesty and despair permeate the subjects of the news and claims of Bias in the Media come from both sides of the political spectrum. But that is precisely why I have given myself such an idealistic goal in my career as a journalist, and in life: Seek out the truth, then report it.
I am currently a pre-comms student at a large private university--BYU, my dream school since I was old enough to fully understand what college was. For the past three years, I have written for the Teen Page of the Ogden Standard-Examiner and, this summer, was an intern for the paper's feature section, in which capacity I wrote several briefs on fun things to do for Friday's "Go!" section.
This blog has been created for the purpose of discussing what I learn in my Principles of Journalism class, but I hope I'll be able to touch on other subjects as well, thereby giving an accurate picture of a young coed who aspires to write for the masses.

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